Why Hire a Doula?

Pregnancy is one of the most magical and transformative experiences a person can go through in their lifetime. While it can be a joyous time, it can also be overwhelming and stressful, especially for first-time parents. The physical and emotional changes that come with pregnancy can leave us feeling out of control and uncertain about what lies ahead.

This is where a doula comes in – a trained professional who provides continuous support to a woman before, during, and after childbirth.

In recent years, the benefits of having a doula by your side during pregnancy have become more widely recognized. Studies have shown that women who work with doulas have shorter labors, are less likely to need medical interventions such as pain medication, and are more likely to avoid unnecessary c-sections. While working with a doula doesn’t necessarily guarantee these outcomes, what seems to be a universal benefit of working with a doula is an overall greater sense of satisfaction with the birth experience.

Below are a few reasons why it's important for a woman to work with a doula.

A quick note about language, as I want to make sure all readers understand and celebrate the beautifully unique and diverse family structures of modern society. I intentionally try to interchangeably use the terms “woman” and “mother” with “birthing people” because I understand that not all who are pregnant identify as women. Similarly, I acknowledge that some families are same sex couples and many birthing people are single and do not have a partner. With that being said, I try to use language what reflects the majority of families with whom I have worked, while also acknowledging the variety of family structures that exist. I hope you feel included in this post, whatever your family structure may be.

Emotional Support
Pregnancy is a time of intense emotional and physical changes and a doula is trained to provide compassionate and non-judgmental support to birthing people and their partners throughout their pregnancy. A doula can help a mother process her fears and concerns, and provide a calming presence during times of stress or anxiety for the entire family. The emotional support a doula provides can help everyone feel more confident and empowered throughout the entire experience.

Continuous Physical Support During Labor
One of the biggest benefits of having a doula is the continuous support they provide during labor. Unlike doctors or nurses, who may be in and out of the delivery room, a doula is usually there for the entire process. They can provide comfort measures such as massage, breathing techniques, and position changes, as well as emotional support to both the mother and her partner. They are also trained to provide research based information and advocacy for the family.

Information and Advocacy
A doula is an advocate for the family and can help them navigate the modern healthcare system. A doula can help the mother understand her options for childbirth, support the family in their decision making, and can act as a liaison between the mother and medical staff if necessary. Doulas are trained to help the mother communicate her wishes to the medical staff, and can help ensure that those wishes are heard and respected. This can be especially important for women who may not have a strong support system, who are people pleasers, who tend to blindly trust authority, or who are not fluent in the language spoken by the medical staff.

Postpartum Support
The support of a doula doesn't end once the baby is born. Many doulas offer postpartum support to help the mother and baby adjust to life after childbirth. This can include breastfeeding support, help with newborn care, and emotional support for the mother. The postpartum period can be challenging, and having someone to turn to for support can make all the difference in a mother's recovery and the family’s adjustment to their new role as parents.

Personalized Care
Each pregnancy and childbirth experience is unique, and a doula provides personalized care that is tailored to the needs of the family. A doula can help create a birth plan that reflects the family’s wishes and preferences, and can provide support that is customised to the family’s preferences. They can also help from inside the home, ensuring the family has everything in place for a successful labor and recovery.

In conclusion, working with a doula during pregnancy can have many benefits for the whole family. A doula can provide emotional and physical support, continuous presence during labor, research based information, advocacy, postpartum support, and personalized care. Hiring a doula is an investment in an overall satisfying birthing experience for the whole family.


Birth Team Referrals


What is a Doula?