On Demand, Affordable Yoga Classes & Collections
The Yoga Collective
Use the promo code: Gigi25 for 25% OFF monthly or annual membership
Journey to Birth includes:
Birth Mantra Meditation
Pelvic Floor for Prenatal Mamas
Prenatal Breathing Demo
Relaxation Pose Demo
Gentle Prenatal Flow
Mama Vinyasa demo for 2nd & 3rd Trimester
And more…
Use promo code Gigi25
The Postnatal Series includes:
Core Awareness
Feeding Meditation
Relieve Neck & Shoulder Tension
Baby & Me (Newborns, Infants & Toddlers)
Core for C-Section Recovery
Partner Poses
And much more…
Use promo code Gigi25
What people are saying…
“Gigi is amazing! She is a well rounded, intuitive, and empowering Yoga Instructor. She knows how to read her students and provide them with what they need in that moment.”
— Dionna C. —
“Gigi Yogini is one of my all time favorite yoga teachers. What Gigi stands for radiates from her and her classes: joy, empowerment, acceptance, and self-love.!”
— Brianna A. —