Modern Sacred Circle Deck of Cards

Thank you for purchasing your Modern Sacred Circle deck of cards.

I hope these cards will bring you lots of inspiration and help you host many, many magical circles. Use this deck to help you come up with your three questions for a Modern Sacred Circle.

You can spread out the deck of cards and choose your questions randomly OR you can look through all the questions and find the ones you like the most. You can even lay out the cards and invite your participants to choose. Have fun. Get creative.

Remember, there are lots of ways to host a circle, but here are my suggestions:



(Copyright Gigi Yogini / Briana Anderson 2017)

1. Choose a specific day and time.

Start by picking a day and time. Consider picking a date that coincides with a full moon or new moon, a solstice, symbolic date, etc. or any date that is good for you.

2. Create a clean, safe, and comfortable space to gather.

Pick a place that is private, protected, and free from unwanted distractions and interruptions. Make women feel safe to express themselves.

3. Invite women (and invite those women to invite other women).

This is a great opportunity to intentionally build a strong community. When your favorite people invite their favorite people, the potential for powerful connections and lifelong friendships is potent. It will be wonderful whether it’s three women or 13.

4. Consider making the circle donation-based.

Money can be an obstacle for some, so making the gathering donation based can foster positive energy. Instead of money, we can also ask women to bring something for the shared experience including tea, snacks, candles, incense, or flowers.

5. Bless the center of the circle with an altar or offering.

Place objects of significance in the middle of the circle; including crystals, feathers, statues, candles, flowers, a mala necklace, or any special item with symbolic meaning. You may also cleanse/bless your space by smudging with sage, palo santo, etc.

6. Welcome women and share guidelines/agreements.

Remember that confidentiality is key for a safe environment. Another way to honor each woman is to agree to no interrupting or giving advice during shares. Remind each participant of the opportunity for each woman to be heard, witnessed, and seen in her divine essence. No fixing is required. Create agreements that everyone commits to.

7. Ceremonially open the sacred space.

This could be as simple as taking a deep breath together. Other ways include holding hands, chanting together, calling in the light, reading a passage or poem, or doing an invocation or grounding exercise.

8. Ask your first intro question.

The first question is a warm up. Have each woman share her name and answer a question. Sample questions can be found in the green cards of your Modern Sacred Circle deck.

9. Ask a more in-depth question (time limit & timer optional).

The second question is the main body and offers more space for sharing. As facilitator, you can decide whether this is an open ended question or whether you want to enforce a time limit. Sometimes a timer can help limit the women who have the tendency to over share while also stretching the women who find it harder to speak in public. You can choose your main body question from the blue cards of your Modern Sacred Circle deck.

10. Ask a closing question.

After going around the circle with your intro and main body questions, ask a significant closure question. These questions can be found in the purple cards of your Modern Sacred Circle deck.

11. Have a specific, ceremonial closure.

Just as you opened intentionally, finish with a deep breath, poem, or prayer. You can also hold hands, chant together, read a passage or poem, or choose any closing ceremonial exercise of choice.

12. End with lots of connection.

When the circle comes to an official end, leave time and space for women to visit and connect in smaller clusters. Practice and encourage lots of eye contact, hugs, and gratitude for sharing. It’s always a good idea to set a specific time for the next circle.


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